Everyone is expected to follow our school policies:
* SCHOOL HOURS: 7:30am to 2:30 pm. Please be on time. Pre-K3, Pre-K4 and Kindergarten dismiss at 2:15 pm. The school offers Morning care starting at 7:00am. Entrance at the 17th Street door. Children will remain in the cafeteria until 7:30am when they will proceed to their classrooms. PK and Kindergarten students will be escorted to their classrooms.
* TARDINESS and ABSENCES: Parents/Guardians must call the school office before 8:00am if the child is going to be late or absent. A written excuse is required whenever a child is absent, tardy or dismissed early. If any child arrives after 8:00am, they will be marked late and must enter through the mail door.
* UNIFORMS: All pupils (1-8) must be in full uniform — this includes SHOES. Pre-K students may wear gym uniform and sneakers. K students must wear polo shirts. (See below* for uniform information)
* EMERGENCY CLOSING OF SCHOOL: You will receive a Voice Recording to inform you of any school closings.
* LUNCHBOX: must be soft. Please insert 2 napkins: 1 to clean after themselves, and 1 to use as place mat.* CELL PHONES: No child in Pre-K3 through Grade 4 is allowed to bring a cell phone to school. Students in Grades 5 through 8 may bring a cell phone only if the student needs a phone for afterschool activity or is walking home. Students phones will be collected in homeroom and sent to the office until dismissal time. Students attending Aftercare may NOT use their phones until they leave the school building. Any phone call made from school, or any picture taken during school hours and posted on social media will be cause for immediate suspension.
* MESSAGES: Please check our website on a regular basis and each evening check your child’s folder for any notes. A monthly calendar is available on the website and should be placed on the refrigerator or bulletin board for daily reference.
* PARKING: Picking up or discharging children on 17th Street is dangerous! Children should be let off on Central Avenue in front of the school and walk to the 17th Street entrance.
* CONCERNS: If you any have concerns, please write a note to the teacher and make an appointment. Please note that teachers do not check emails during the school hours. Any urgent matters during school hours should be communicated via the school office.
Uniform Information:
* Flynn and O’Hara – official uniform supplier for SFA. Click here
* School Bags – St. Francis Academy Supply Room