FlynnO’hara is focused on making the back-to-school uniform shopping experience as safe and easy as possible this year. Please click the link below to learn more:
Check out the first issue of a brand new Saint Francis Academy Newspaper! In this issue you will find current events, interviews, sports, creative features, puzzles, and some jokes that are sure to make you laugh.....
Congratulations to Our Pre-K4 Class of 2020 We will always remember you!!! Stay Safe Huggie – Huggie Mrs. Hain – Mrs. Alvarez – Mrs. Valente – Ms. Idrovo
Congratulations on a great year, Pre-K3! We will miss you so much and wish you all the best in your years to come at Saint Francis Academy! Always keep that LOVE of learning! Love, Ms. Hagan, Mrs. Yepez, and Mrs. Castaneda.
On Saturday, June 13th, St. Francis Academy organized a graduation car parade to celebrate our dear Class of 2020. We traveled from home to home delivering diplomas to all of our wonderful 8th Graders. Please click here to view our Flickr album; a collection of photographs and videos taken by the families and faculty of SFA.
On Thursday, June 11th, we celebrated the 8th graders graduation Mass. The Mass was live streamed from Our Lady of Fatima, North Bergen, on their Facebook page....
This stained glass window is the crown jewel of our new building. It was custom made for this door. You can see Jesus greeting children in St. Francis Academy uniforms.....
On June 5th, the faculty and families of St. Francis Academy joined together virtually to attend First Friday Mass at St. Francis Church in Hoboken. Monsignor Paul Bochicchio and Father Chris Panlilio presided over this special Mass to honor the Class of 2020 at their final First Friday Mass at St. Francis Academy....